Event archive

exhibition Metaphysical head

Have you been to Mikhail Shemyakin Foundation still have to go First -?. There is very nice … And secondly, – the curators of the Fund, no, no yes and organize something sort of … today reason to visit the fund – is that the exhibition “Metaphysical head» works of contemporary artists and scientific exposition collected by Mikhail Shemyakin.. Sculptor and art researcher Mikhail Shemyakin many years deals with the study of metaphysical head shape. The...

Refrigerator exhibition as an art object

Art – objects, of course, are different … blue and white there, but to red … refrigerator … And here is yes! And here is the fridge! More precisely, – refrigerators. Many refrigerators. Different refrigerators. And such and such things here refrigerators. Why coolers? Because the “boring stuff does not happen, there are boring ideas!” – Formulated the slogan of the sponsors of the exhibition -. “Refrigerator as an art object» March 26...

Space intelligent flea market

Space intelligent flea Three space Stables area on one day become a single entity – a large space here unfold flea market, which will be found collectible vintage trinkets and work of 100 designers from flute rain and ornaments futuristic glass up sweater with a picture of the star clusters and present . suit for one day on the occasion of cosmonautics day will unite three sites – it-bar Kl10tch, bar and theater Kopen “Tseh”. There will arrange astounding and the...

Stock Market Another Peter. Other cities

Stock-market “Another Peter. Other cities » not postcard Petersburg lenses local and visiting of Photographers, Exhibition and Fair Draft glorious club offered Petersburg look at the eyes of a dozen other of Photographers -. The city is not grand, but it made him even more attractive. What like, you can buy a home on the wall, if there is to put itself – to change the operation of other colleagues. There is nothing wrong with that, to decorate the home familiar sight diluted...

Creative workshop of young choreographers

Creative workshop of young choreographers addition benefit performances and gala homebred soloists (this year more visitors from the Paris Opera are expected), Ballet Festival “Mariinsky” draws attention to the one-act plays young choreographers: then pour some fresh blood in the repertoire As. , for example, happened to quite a low-key plastic version of Nabokov’s novel “Camera obscura”, which was presented by Yuri Smekalov – this year’s soloist of...

Show Illusio

Show Illusio From the series “interestingness” and our response to the circus “Cirque du Soleil” show Corteo visiting circus Cirque Du Soleil just was obliged to cause a reaction in the spirit, “and we will do better here” – and to a vulnerable soul of the artist, and stunts. The plot of the theater director in search of new ideas come from developing strong international team of pros. For example, the director for plastics Quinn Sachs worked on...