Event archive

Photo exhibition Perfume

Photo exhibition “Perfume» unique project Art Center in Perini series (all the action will take place there, ul.4 Duma) and the Guild of perfumes, where you can admire the candid photos in “nude” genre and plunge into the whirlpool of flavors that do not only able to reveal the idea of ​​a specific frame, and even change its March 5 -. 3 May The exhibition will provide a unique opportunity to reflect whether a full merger of photos and art of perfumery is possible,...

Exhibition Kommunalka Project

Exhibition Kommunalka Project exhibition of works by photographer Peter Price, who makes a voyage through Russia and watches for everyday life typical of communal apartment, which seemed lost in the change of times and can not decide where it is: in the fierce thirties or modern XXI century February 21 – February 28 project will plunge into the atmosphere of everyday life in a communal apartment, which will remain forever in the imagination of people the symbol of a bygone era when the...

Festival Dumplings peoples of the world

Festival “dumplings peoples of the world» dumplings. Mm. Hearty, tasty, easy to prepare, it is acceptable for the money – given the lack of time in the modern metropolis, these factors have made the dumplings one of the most popular dishes course not go to the restaurant, but like it is not fast food -. About this position is occupied dumplings in simple layman. But this is a whole culture, and there are so many variations of cooking this dish. Interesting? Then come – from...

Robbie Williams Concert

Robbie Williams Concert One of the most popular British singers for the first time arrives in St. Petersburg as part of the tour Let Me Entertain You. Equipment for the concert could hardly fit in twenty trucks, and the actor is preparing a spectacular show, which is not and was not equal. The most important question for all the fans, of course, when? Ticket price is unlikely to stop the true fans (old and Robbie, along with the organizers of the show can appreciate his work, and, given the...

Festival Musical Hermitage

C 15 – On February 18, one of the most beautiful halls in Europe – Hermitage Theatre – will be held the traditional annual festival “Musical Hermitage” designed to revive the tradition of musical evenings, zavedёnnyh still under Empress Catherine II February 15, ACT music musicians. Three musicians Leszek Mozhdzher (piano, Poland), Lars Danielson (bass, Sweden) and Zohar Fresco (drums, Israel) will present for the first time their new album POLSKA in Russia,...

Festival of Arts and Crafts

Loft Pro42 become a real city crafts: visitors will see the most impressive examples of arts and crafts, learn to their own hands to create brilliant gifts, will be able to take part in the auction and crafts not only Skilful masters of applied arts and craftsmen will share their knowledge with the citizens in the master classes. and put up on the shelves of the fruits of their labors and the imagination – a lot of handmade products. Thus, visitors will not only find a spectacular gift,...