Event archive

Night of Humor in animation

Night of Humor in the animation» On the night of 3 April 4, on the occasion of the Day of laughter movie screen will burst with an abundance of the most sparkling and colorful new scenes and cartoon characters that will make the viewer laugh till you drop. Program that will prepare team the famous festival Multivision”, will be entirely devoted to humor in contemporary animation. Looking at the big screen, visitors plunge into the colorful, sometimes surreal and phantasmagoric world,...

Most hand-made Fair loft pro

Most hand-made Fair Petersburgers a unique opportunity to stroll through the largest city in spring fair of crafts and art, which will be able to try on the role zapravskogo glassblower or a blacksmith, to meet with leading designers and hand-made brands and, of course, to find unusual gizmos. Walls loft filled with interesting paintings of paintings and colorful photographs and installations. At the festival will open a lot of thematic areas with master classes and open classes, where...

Spring AstroOpenAir

Spring AstroOpenAir In the famous Pulkovo Observatory arrange this year’s first AstroOpenAir which participants will be able to visit the famous towers with telescopes, try on a suit astronaut and even at night to look at the moon. Traditionally visitors area to help remove the center of the leaves observatory and prepare for the holidays, and then take part in a unique tour of the museum is closed, objects Pulkovo and tower with telescopes. In addition, everyone will be able to try on...

Open Library Project. March dialogues

March 29 – New meeting of the project “Open Library. March dialogues. » This month talks will be held in the library of Mayakovsky. The speakers will be Alexander Nevozrov, Sergei Parkhomenko, Yevgenia Albats, Anton Krasovsky, Andrew Kuraev, Mikhail Gelfand. The project city libraries turn into a discussion platform on which to discuss topical issues of contemporary well-known writers, journalists, artists, musicians, filmmakers, policy So already this Sunday:. 15:00 –...

An evening with Vladimir Pozner of the time and about himself

An evening with Vladimir Pozner “On time and myself» Vladimir Vladimirovich tells about his creative path, talk about the historical moments and the present, and the development of society. Everyone present will have the opportunity to ask the well-known TV journalist, backed by over 50 years of experience in journalism, and about a dozen books. Guests will be directly involved in one of the programs Posner, where he openly talk about themselves and immerse the listener into the story,...

Festival-free travel

Festival free travel festival for those who love to travel. Much interesting to know. How to hitchhike, live on one dollar (even rate increased) anywhere in the world, you need to know about CouchSurfing – in other words, the event will ineteresno without exception For those who are dreaming to go on a journey hitchhiking around the world. already preparing the bike for Moto mileage or trying to understand the popular today couchsurfing, will host a festival of free travel, where...