House ” tear socialism ” – one of the first utility-type facilities in our city It has built in 1930 a group of young engineers and writers, who did not want to live with the old way of life.. The project, it was decided to make a model, but sometimes ideas brought to the point of absurdity, trying to make the general-cell rooms for six or more people, with a shared shower and storage rooms without possibility to cook food. Such houses lasted until the beginning of World War...
Monument to Peter I in the Peter and Paul Fortress is one of the most memorable king-founder of St. Petersburg. The idea of creating such a monument sculptor Vladimir Vysotskiy- suggested he promoted the mask created yet Rastrelli. Initially, all parts of the body are proportional, but later corrected their author to be more like an icon, like deifying king. The monument was cast in bronze in 1991 and was first met with nastrozhennostyu residents of the city, but now there was a...
Catherine II offered this palace to Platon Zubov that was her favourite. Later on, it was the count Alexey Bobrinsky, a royal bastard, who came into possession of the palace and his descendants owned it till the revolution broke off. In the late XVIIIth century the ancient building of the palace on Galernaya street was rebuilt and it now faces Galernaya street as well as the Moyka river and Admiralty channel embankments. At present, the faculty of free arts and sciences resides in there. The...
The monument to Pavlolv’s dog was inaugurated on August 7, 1935 in Leningrad about the time the 15th international physiologist congress took place. The idea of its creation belongs to the academician Pavlov himself. According to Pavlov, the monument emphasized the importance of the dog as the main subject as to carrying out experiences in physiology of nervous...
The monument to the famous Russian leader captured a historic moment, when he spoke to the people with the armored car. It is here Lenin arrived April 3, 1917 in secret, because before that he was in immigration and led out his people deyatelnost.No it anyway learned and came to greet, then Lenin began to howl the people to fight against the regime, it is this speech inspired sculptors to create the monument. Nearly 10-meter high statue was erected in 1926 from gray-black granite total weight...