Event archive

Scientific perception of Illusion show

Scientific show “Illusions of perception» will be really fun, guys. On what tricks can throw our minds and how easy it is to fool the human brain BRIEF course of physics in the form of informative show that will make even a hardened humanist imbued with an interest in the discoveries of Newton and Boyle. That anything-we do not know exactly about the world, it is easy to see by the example of the illusions of the arsenal “Entertaining physics” Yakov Perelman. Organizers...

Photo exhibition Leaving nature Petersburg

Photo exhibition “Leaving nature” Petersburg Photos member of the Russian Geographical Society Andrei Strelnikov, which depicted the fading architectural masterpieces of the city on the Neva River, ready is about to disappear from the map, will be shown at the exhibition “Leaving nature” of St. Petersburg. Exhibition “Leaving nature “of St. Petersburg will be a logical continuation of the project” The architectural heritage of St. Petersburg “,...

BOREY ART CENTER – Borey Art Center

Visit the new (old) mileyshee place: BOREY ART CENTER gallery, studio, art shop and publishing house willing to please the cultural-media goodies, which is nice Fresh pickles for the near future, that is – a reason to come back to the “Northwind. “, and to see what’s what – that is: photo exhibition of Elena Alkhimovich” Russian London. ” . The life of Russian immigrants in the British capital first born in Belarus Alkhimovich, filmed mainly...

Retrospective MIRAMAX: Independence Days

Retrospective MIRAMAX: «Independence Days» On the big screen for the first time in many years show the landmark films of the American company, which has become a symbol of the 90’s and became acquainted with the world of independent film by Kevin Smith, Steven Soderbergh, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez. Of course, without the “Scream”, “Clerks” and “From Dusk Till Dawn” shows no cost. At the time, the brothers Harvey and Bob Weinstein have...

Free movie screenings in the library

Free movie screenings in the library Throughout the whole of March in the library Mayakovsky free show films in a foreign language, world cinema classics, cartoons, documentaries, masterpieces of Soviet film. Almost all of March, from 7 to 31 numbers in the central public library can witness many interesting films and cartoons. Full Schedule –...

UTOPIA market

UTOPIA market Market, which is entirely devoted to the XX century. Throughout the whole day here you can buy vintage clothes and clothes, vintage accessories and beautiful detail. Also, here you can listen to lectures, attend master classes and play the game the times of our grandfathers. If short – Old School Shopping Market organizers offer to abstract from reality with its delivery of food in the house, internet, mobile phones and other attributes of comfort and, alas, antiduhovnoy...