Church of the Annunciation, one of the oldest in our city. It was built in 1750 instead of the wooden church, standing on the same spot. According zhelananiyu customers, merchants Chirkina building had to be similar to the Cathedral of the Transfiguration, but construction was delayed for ten years; Later it was annexed chetyrehyarusnaya bell tower height of 42 meters, which is still the highest on Vasilyevsky Island. In the middle of the 19th century the church was transferred to the...
Church of St. Catherine, one of the symbols of tolerance and multi-our gorooda. Armenians who were in Peterbruge was not joining, so when their number is risen, in 1725 it was allowed to open a house of worship on Vasilevsky Island, but with the death Empress Anna Ivanovna construction stopped. In 1770, at his own request, Catherine II allocated another plot, and at his own expense built a church community leader in the classical style for two years. In addition to this, Lazarus was given the...
Cesme Church is dedicated to the victory of Russian sailors in the Chesma Bay in 1770. It is at this point, Catherine II received the news of the victory of our fleet and this was a decisive factor for the choice of location. At the basis of the Empress were present and the Swedish king Gustav III, as well the final stage coincided with the tenth anniversary celebration. The queen loved the church, a special place was allocated for it in the service, but since the building was not heated,...
This Lutheran church was established in the first years of life of our city for the Germans, which Peter I called into his service. Also besides the Germans, it was intended for the Cadets, in whose territory it actually was. But Nicholas I did not like that in the military institution can enter civilians and ordered to demolish the building, also issued 5 thousand rubles to rent another room. Only in 1861, permission was granted to establish their own parish, which started fundraising. With...
St. Isidorovskaya church-acting trehpridelny Orthodox temple. It originated in 1903 on the initiative of the Orthodox Estonians who lived at that time in our city, because of their own arrival they did not have. Money for the construction of the donations collected in the original plan also included a school with a dormitory and a library. Construction was delayed until 1907, is chairman of the building committee has not made the missing 50 thousand rubles. In 1923 courses theologians were...
Narva Triumphal Arch was originally vypoleneny of wood in 1814 for a meeting of the Russian Guard, returning from Paris after the end of the military campaign of 1812-1814. However, erected in 1814, designed by Giacomo Quarenghi in wood and alabaster gates soon fell into disrepair. The Governor-General of St. Petersburg veteran MA Miloradovich made on their behalf, and at the highest level, Nicholas I decided to build a new gate made of stone on the bank of the river Tarakanovka that south of...