Event archive

Mozart’s Requiem in the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Conservatory

19:00 is to go to the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Conservatory May 5 This evening will sound one of the greatest works in the history of music -.. genius “Requiem” by Mozart’s genius As you know, the beginning of work on “Requiem” in 1791 Mozart’s health has deteriorated. we know from Mozart’s letters that the great composer felt that perhaps it was his last work. And so it happened. Composer died before completing the work. 2 years after the...

Science Festival Wow How?

Science Festival «Wow! How » Artificial lightning Tesla, control objects with his mind, the world through nanomikroskopa screen wonders of chemistry, turboplameni show, master classes in intensive care and surgery, living biology, flights kvadro- and geksakopterov – all this and more awaits residents . city festival interactive science The festival will be the most vivid, unusual and amazing exhibits that do not just stand and are an integral part of the show, for example, guests can...

Dance water and light: opening the dancing fountains

At 12:00 May 9 – on Lenin Square – Dance of Water and Light: the opening of the dancing fountains Since May 9th, St. Petersburg residents can enjoy daily bright show: starting at noon, to the sky will be different levels surging flows water, tinted multicolored lights. Musical accompaniment will be performing famous classical works Petrova, Soloviev-Gray and Moriah Dancing fountains are four times a day -. At 12:00, 20:00, 21:00 and 22:00. On weekends and public holidays will be...

In St. Petersburg will be a parade of bikers

The first Saturday of May hundreds of bikers roars reverberate through the main thoroughfares of St. Petersburg, marking thus the beginning of the new season. Column of motorcycles of different models spread over three kilometers. The exact route of bikers movement is not reported. To take part in the event can any conqueror of the “iron horse”, the main thing – desire. During the solemn journey thousands of spectators will be able to see the usual scooters, sportbike compact...

Small custodians of hope: an exhibition of toys war years

No matter what happens in the world – children always remain children. And each child has their own, the best and most faithful friend – a favorite toy. They serve us comfort when we are sad, and always involved in all of our games and entertainment, and at night vigilantly guard our sleep. These mascots are necessary for everyone, but especially important and valuable presence in them really hard and scary times. In St. Petersburg museum of dolls from 27 April will be an exhibition...

Show aerobatics air group Russian Knights and Air Force pilots

Tomorrow, April 25, in honor of the upcoming Victory Day best pilots will show a spectacular performance on the Gulf of Finland! Show aerobatics air group “Russian Knights” and Air Force pilots! In the sky above the Gulf of Finland for the first time will fly fighter jets and bombers. The performance of “Russian Knights” St. Petersburg will be able to watch the most incredible aerobatics. Also as part of the shares on the open territory of “Lenexpo”...