
Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory
Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory

Originally, the museum was created as a repository of all valuable items at the factory by the order of Nicholas I. addition to samples of national art there also are products of Japan and China, with a total of more than 30 thousand ekzemplyarov.Pomimo themselves objects of porcelain, you can look in the library, where carefully Save the workbook on the material, sketches and drawings of famous artists. Since Alexander III, all produced at the plant, done in two copies, thanks to this...

Music Museum
Music Museum

Theatre and Music Museum is a theater ensemble of Alexandria, located on one of the most beautiful streets of our city, the architect Rossi. history of its creation began in 1840 with the directorate of the Imperial teatrov.Zdes boiled theatrical life, hired actors, wrote plays, sewed costumes; but half a century later it was decided to open the first exhibition devoted to this type of activity. Over time, the collection is enriched personal belongings of famous people like Rimsky-Korsakov,...

City Sculpture Museum
City Sculpture Museum

Founded in 1932, it is the only institution in Russia, engaged in the protection, restoration and study of monuments The jurisdiction of this museum are famous attractions such as:. Rostral columns, Narva and Moscow triumphal arch, monuments to Peter I, Catherine II, and many others. The basis of the exhibition, in addition to 1 500 200 plaques and monuments are tombs and necropolis of Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Besides sightseeing activities, the museum also deals with the restoration of all...

House of scientists
House of scientists

House of Scientists, or former palace of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, the oldest scientific intelligentsia club. The building was built for the Duke in the second half of the 19th century, stylized Italian palazzo. All interior spaces have been decorated in different styles: Crimson-living style of the Italian renaissance, following it, in the style of Louis XVI, then there was a dining room in the style of English Gothic. After the overthrow of the tsarist regime, it was decided to give...


Initially passage represented a quarter of the street, overlain by a transparent roof made of metal and glass. First passage were shops Shchukin yard at the corner of Sadovaya Street and University, but this name was fixed only for one building in our city. Construction began in 1848, and even then there are two floors of shops, and the third was adapted for residential purposes, and a cellar for storage of products have been installed. Besides shops there are placed all sorts of...

Twelve Colleges building
Twelve Colleges building

Twelve Colleges building built in the mid-18th century specifically to house the government agencies. The project is the most convenient form of the building was chosen as emperor by the plan all structures have to work close to each other, is also planned to divide the whole Vasilevsky Island on ralichnye on spheres activity blocks. Until the late 19th century was a huge area, which ends in front of the Stock Exchange, but in the early 20th century there Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology...