Stock Exchange building, built for business development and trade seaport, it was considered not very successful, and has long been used for various needs. Therefore, built in 1730, the building is not suitable for those canons, by which the whole city should be kept in one architectural style and each house its façade to reveal their functional significance, was demolished. The new exchange was built only half a century later, when Russia has become a strong maritime power, which was...
Created by the Pavlovsk Palace Charles Cameron in the 80s of the 18th century. After coming to the throne of Paul I Pavlovsk declared a suburban residence of the Imperial Palace erected on the bank of the river Slavyanka on a popular type of Italian country villa with its crowning dome, but also the general scheme of the building resembles a Russian country estate:. To the central body adjacent the open colonnade The main facade of the palace is framed by semicircular arcades and wings...
Planning for the development of the Vasilevsky Island, which now houses the exhibition center, began in 1910. Before the 1917 revolution, there were going to build a building for the Academy of Sciences. In the future, the construction is scheduled grand exposition of the International Exhibition of Inventions and improvements. However, these projects have not been implemented because of the difficult political and economic situation in the country. Again about the idea of the creation...
Sport-Concert Complex “Petersburg.” – The largest indoor arena in St. Petersburg, dignified-looking in comparison with lushimi of the sites in Europe structure stands out not only in size but also the versatility of operation. Total Petersburgers has become a favorite during the major events this place for several years -. On superiority of the country and the world championships in various sports to world-class grand concerts and prestigious exhibitions and fashion shows ...
Admiralty, in the complex which includes three of the pavilion was prostroen in 1773 on the shores of Great Pond in the place of a wooden boat shed Construction of most of the pavilions is made in the summer of 1773, the interior trim produced in 1774 -.. 1775 The lower floor of the central building of the boats were designed to be ridden by the court on a big pond, so the building and called the Admiralty. In the XIX century buildings located in a collection of rowing boats from around the...
Chesme Column was built in 1774-1778 under the project of A. Rinaldi in honor of the naval victories in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. June 24, 1770 led by Count Orlov and Admiral GA 10 Russian Spiridova warships and 7 frigates broke and fled the Turkish Pasha Zhefir Bay and its 16 battleships and 100 frigates, galleys, brigantines and small vessels. This battle occurred in the Chios Strait and became the forerunner of Chesma battle on June 26 as a result of which at the beginning of...