
National Library of Russia

Imperial Public Library was founded May 16, 1795 the highest command of Empress Catherine II. National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg is the oldest and first public Russian National Library, which has become one of the largest libraries in the world and the second largest funds in the Russian Federation, national memory storage nationwide information, research and cultural center. Throughout its existence, the Library continues to enrich the collection of the National Fund of printed...

Vitebsk Station

Vitebsk (former Tsarskoye Selo) station is interesting for its architectural design, the train is sent from the second floor. First railway in Russia was built in 1837 between Peteburgom and Tsarskoye Selo. The building itself was a wooden train station and was located on the parade ground Semenovski polka.Spustya 20 years, he became the stone got its current name due to the fact that the paths were laid to Vitebsk. With increasing passenger traffic for all sites is not enough to take down the...

House with tower

It is through the tower of the house has become a monument of history and culture. He became famous through his tenants in the attic, a professor of philology Vyacheslav Ivanov and his spuruge Zinov’eva-Annibal.V 1905-1913 years is visited by many famous writers and poets who came to the famous literature professor environment. Usually they were reading the works of unknown poets and discussion, so it is here became famous Anna Akhmatova and her first poem said Alexander Blok. After the...

Warsaw Station

With Varashvskogo station longer trains since 2001 year. Today, it is the trade and entertainment complex ” Warsaw Express ”, in addition to it there is a museum of railway equipment. The station was the third after Moscow and Tsarskoye Selo. The building itself was built in 1860 and was a whole range of different buildings for the needs of the station. Since he was the only international train station is not allowed to delay for more than five minutes, even for the aristocracy....

Loft Project Floors

The first in our city loft is located in the former Smolny bread-baking plant. Here are 5 fairground clothes gallery, workshops, café and hostel. Fashion for the creation of such projects came to us from New York, where people of creative professions settled mostly in attics and lofts, lofts. The project ” Floor ” tried to keep all the parts left over from the old times, old pipes, tiles and even seven-mukohranilische. In addition to the usual activities of the loft is also...

House Laval

Laval House was built on the site of the former mansion of Menshikov, the first stone of the building of St. Petersburg. It was erected by the architect Eropkin, also known as the creator of the three main (at the time) highways of the city, directed to the Admiralty. The building several times changed their owners, while Prince Voronikhin not rebuilt it, adding another floor, increasing the overall length and adding a portico with columns. Finally, it falls into the hands of Laban, who...