Event archive

VII International Festival of Fire Arts Alive Fires 2014

September 18 at 15:00 at the club “Air” opens the VII International Festival of Fire Arts “Alive Fires 2014». Three days in St. Petersburg will be demonstrating their skills skilled acrobats, dancers and masters of fire around the world! An unforgettable open-air spectacle, master classes from the world fire-stars, music and dance and theater performances – thrills await all The festival days Krestovsky Island heyday living lights, filled with fun circus, glowing in...

Phantasmagoria Andrew Mighty

Oh, Lewis Carroll, the one and only, as the English say! Cult absurdist writer who created Alice and her wonderland, images that for 150 years, excite the imagination of readers and artists that give rise to all the new interpretation of the contradictory character of the mathematics , a philosopher, a deacon of the Anglican church … What if Alice will appear in person? Ah-ah-ah-ah! Interesting? Horror, like! Then listen:. 13, 14, 16 September, 2, 3, and 10 October – in...

Water Festival in the Park Lantern tales

September 13, Saturday, at 21:00 starts a grand festival of water lanterns! Amazing Beauty event will be held in the Park of Culture and Rest im.Babushkina (Tales Park) to Pr. Obukhov Defense, 149. Live music show, and under which you light your lantern, wish, make a cherished and release it in swimming. The entire park will be laced with magic atmosphere and filled with fairy lights The final evening will be unforgettable fire show God’s sake! – Do not forget to change the...

Family Eco-Festival Pavlovskaya protein

Tell me, dear friends, that, actually, you know about protein? No, we are quite serious and not joking! That’s it, and we thought – a bit … And if so – whether to give up today in Pavlovsk on a family eco-festival “Pavlovskaya protein”? It will be great waiting for you famous Pavlovian hand proteins that are not afraid of holidaymakers willing to allow themselves to photograph and take a treat right out of the hands aim of the festival -! To draw...

Official opening of the digital space KL10TCH

5-6 September will be held the official opening of the new digital KL10TCH space Growing from a small it-bar, KL10TCH -.. is a multifunctional playground c Barney few areas, a full kitchen, a large dance floor and a modern game-area club space is divided into two zones: geek-room with consoles, games, cuisine and atmosphere lamp “the very key”, which so loved to while away the evening over a glass of the “Green fairy” and talking about the beautiful nerds and geeks...

Exhibition of exotic animals with cold blood of Life

Where to go, what to see interesnenkogo? Why not go to the exhibition of exotic animals? Very curious and children enjoy Specialized Exhibition of exotic animals, “Life with cold blood” is open to the street Industrial, 5. (5 min walk from the metro Narva) For a small fee you will get acquainted with the ancient inhabitants of the planet -! Reptiles , with representatives of arthropods and invertebrates: butterflies, giant cockroaches, stick insects, snails and many other amazing...