Event archive

The festival Chaos Constructions

Computer industry and everything connected with it is developing at an incredible pace, evidence of this can be found on the festival ” Chaos Constructions ”. It will take place in St. Petersburg in the club ” A2 ” with 29 to 31 years, all 15 avgusta.Uzhe computer-geeks can try their hand at creating a demo scenes, attend master classes by projection mapping, creating music for the ZX Spectrum, and much more. For those who just want to relax or ponastalgirovat, from all...

Film Festival Message to man

What associations do you have with the phrase ” Message to Man ”? In fact it is one of the oldest Russian film festival, which takes place in St. Petersburg in late August and early sentyabrya.On formed by modifying the documentary section of the Moscow International Film Festival separate Leningrad international festival of documentary filmov.Iz 3,000 entries in this year’s selected only 65 paintings, in addition, will be presented pictures taken on the children’s...

Festival of puppets in the Yusupov Garden

Do you think – where to reduce child? Festival of puppets – great August 30 at 12:00 at the Yusupov garden And also: games, workshops, fun competitions, puppet parade with your participation, contests, interactive program and, of course, the concert! ! Children will be...

Coffee Festival Just try

Today, 23 August, the coffee museum, that Robespierre, 14, the festival -priglashaet coffee “Just try!” Indeed, it is worth trying to go! Master classes, practical jokes and secrets of coffee grounds await you We coffee drinkers know that we – it’s such a cult coffee, sometimes for the whole day, the events and moods may be subject to one (okay, not one) obtained in time and properly prepared cup of coffee short, – classic recipes and little secrets will tell...

Festival Actifest

The last days of summer weather is not happy, and spend that time as to remember, I want to? Festival of extreme sports available ” ActiFest ” will help you with that! After all, in the resort ” Igor ” will house more than fifty different activities, and everyone can choose a game to their liking! For those who are planning to stay here for all the show organizers have provided a place for tents, if such is not present, do not worry-you can always agree on another...

Festival Priozersky abroad

Are you tired of city life and want to escape to nature? Invite you this weekend in Priozersk, which will host the colorful festival ” Priozersky abroad ”. Besides that you will be able to rest for three days in a tent, like the fair of crafts and buy yourself something to remember for all those wishing to open registration for various competitions: archery, medieval cooking food, horse or on foot battle. Also expected performances by music groups and play in the medieval football....