Event archive

mushrooms and berries Festival at the Botanical Garden

4 and 5 October in the Botanic Garden on the street. Professor Popov, 2 – Festival of mushrooms and berries Workshops orienteering terrain, tips and tricks from the experts – how, when, where and what to collect On Fair:! – All sorts of gear! for the “quiet hunt» – mushrooms and berries, homemade pickles and jams, fruit drinks and fruit drinks, spices for mushroom and berry preparations All presented at the fair forest wealth collected in ecologically clean...

Performance Clown Theatre on Vasilevsky

Where to go? What to see at the theater? Hurry to see! Only on 30 September and 12 October piercing performance “Clown” in the Theater on Vasilevsky! The premiere staging Denis Khusniyarova sensational novel by Heinrich Böll. Bitter vital truth and smile in the face of the truth .. . The play tells about the great power of love, sarcastically draw can be painfully familiar characters and manners … text combined with pantomime, clowning and...

Manhattan Film Festival – 2014

Do not miss Today, 25 September at the cinema “Mirage-Cinema” starts showing movies – participants of the Manhattan Short Film Festival – 2014. It is one of the biggest audience festivals in the world – a hundred thousand fans of cinema from 26 countries choose the best film of the ten finalists Petersburg viewers wishing to participate in the vote, will be offered to fill in a special form, which you will be given a cinema in addition, this year -.. the...

International festival of public art Art Prospect

From 25 to 28 September in St Petersburg -. International festival of public art “Art Avenue» For four days the master of public art from different countries will have at their disposal Petersburg … Contemporary Art will seek its place in the urban environment, and St. Petersburg – watch what happens original installations, sculptures and paintings will be placed in the open air on the streets, turning an ordinary shopping trip into a cultural event this year the main...

Requiem Ballet staged by Boris Eifman

September 24 ballet “Requiem” staged by Boris Eifman to Alexandrinsky Theatre. first ballet edition appeared in 1991. In 2014 “Requiem” was substantially revised and supplemented by another act, and besides Mozart’s musical tragedy it included a poem by Anna Akhmatova and Chamber Symphony “In memory of victims of fascism War” by D. Shostakovich. Awarded “Golden Sofit” and the “Golden mask”, Boris Eifman has created a...

The International Film Festival Message to Man

Today, 20 September, in St. Petersburg, will open the International Film Festival “Message to Man». Festival visitors will see works of contemporary documentary filmmakers, experimental films, short and animated films. Tapes are dedicated to universal values ​​-. Come to think, come to feel annually for the festival selected 100 bands from around 3000, which correspond to the theme and the artistic requirements of the contest In 2014, the participants – from Russia, the USA,...