Event archive

Restaurants day in St. Petersburg

Restaurants day in St. Petersburg most “delicious” day of St. Petersburg On this day you can enjoy the most exquisite and unusual delicacies – it’s Restaurants Day! The day when renowned restaurateurs and budding chefs open their stalls in different parts of the city, for you to be able to taste the most delicious and unusual dishes of all cuisines of the world! This allows you to have a great time, and, most importantly, very satisfying! As this event will try...

Nischebrodstvo Exhibition and snobbery in the Loft project Floor

Such a nice excuse to run, friends to Ligovsky prospect, 74 in the Loft “Floors” until 15 October (and then – all, end)! There still can be viewed (of course, above all wonderful) show Katie Zubkova ” Nischebrodstvo and snobbery “. Actually look good in the space of” coils “, and show where the best works of series MyImaginaryCat. There are seals, St. Petersburg life and thought (as seen by themselves Petrograders gee-gee), well, and in general...

Steampunk or parallel reality 1

Steampunk, or a parallel reality Exhibition Gallery “RatsioArt” Planetarium St. Petersburg Recently became fashionable area such as steampunk ( “steampunk” by eng. “Steam”, ie ” steam “and” punk “, ie” a custom that goes beyond the accepted norms “) – this is the direction in contemporary culture, using stylistic code of the Victorian era. Needless to say, this style allows you to take a fresh look at familiar...

Exhibition of paintings by Salvador Dali

Exhibition of works by Salvador Dali Do not miss! On October 2nd opens its doors to an exhibition devoted to the works of famous artist Salvador Dali. The center of this exhibition will be the famous triptych – “Trilogy of Love» Exhibition of paintings provided by the art center on the Perini will continue until the end of December.. Among the works that are on display, belonging to the series of lithographs of “Carmen”, “The Adventures of Alice in...

Comics Day in the boom-space KL10TCH

So, my friends, is already October 11 -!! Comics Day in the boom-space KL10TCH Oh, wonderful cosplayers, cute chitaiteli, omniscient collectors, always awake and cheerful gamers authors On one day boom space KL10TCH unite all and all – everyone will find entertainment for the soul For fans of cosplay contest organizers have planned for the best superhero costume! Give the camera and support group Collectors will be able to hunt on comic-market (which, by the way, are allowed to bring...

Fashion Industry Exhibition 2014

The exhibition “Fashion Industry” in 2014 (Fashion Industry in 2014) will be held from 9 to 12 October 2014 at the St. Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex (made by Yuri Gagarin, 8…) 9 and 10 October – the exhibition is open only to professional buyers and industry experts 11 and 12 October -. for professionals and the general public The exhibition is attended by about 300 companies from Russia, CIS and abroad. Number of participating countries over 15. theme of the...