
Museum of St. Petersburg bridge

Bridges Museum in St. Petersburg opened in 1992 on the basis of bridge-building unit №19. It functions as a branch of the Central Museum of Railway Transport, more open in 1813. museum exposition is located in six halls. She exhibited unique naturalistic models of road and rail bridges, and city bridges across the Neva and other rivers and canals. In addition to the models, visitors have the opportunity to see the thematic paintings, watercolors, photographs, drawings. Museum is located on...

St. Anne’s Church – Annenkirche

In 1775-1779 St-Anne’s Lutheran Church was built in Saint-Petersburg according to the plans prepared by the architect Yuri Felten. In fact, Kirochnaya street was name after this kirche. The Church was operating till 1936. Then, a cinema was opened in its place. Religious service restarted there in 1992 but a big fire almost destroyed the building 10 years later. So, Annekirche was only partially restored by the end of the 2000s. At present, interesting exhibits and musicales often take...

The Bobrinsky Palace

Catherine II offered this palace to Platon Zubov that was her favourite. Later on, it was the count Alexey Bobrinsky, a royal bastard, who came into possession of the palace and his descendants owned it till the revolution broke off. In the late XVIIIth century the ancient building of the palace on Galernaya street was rebuilt and it now faces Galernaya street as well as the Moyka river and Admiralty channel embankments. At present, the faculty of free arts and sciences resides in there. The...

Yard of the Zodiac

Some St. Petersburg courtyards are mysterious places! In the center of a courtyard there is a sculpture group which represents 12 zodiac signs and reminds of The Stonehenge … Each sign has its own column. People have named this place the yard of the zodiac, and it is quite popular among those who are into mystical stories Some locals say that one of the columns (Sagittarius) suddenly once disappeared for a short while to come back out of the blue. These columns are belived to be fortune...

Drama Theatre Komissarzhevskaya

Drama Theatre Komissarzhevskaya keeps an atmosphere of goodwill and friendliness, which he planted many now famous actors cinema speakers here. It all began in 1848 when the building was built Passage, which served not only shopping destination, but also a cultural holiday of St. Petersburg. In the early 20th century, when new owners restructuring was created a small theater room with its own entrance, which began its meteoric rise career Vera Fedorovna Komissarzhevskaya. It was she who, after...

Mansion AE Molchanov

The mansion was built by order of her husband’s famous dramatic actress MG Savina AE Molchanov. External appearance corresponded to the mansion of actress profession, which became the “golden autumn” theatrical stage life. The first floor was occupied by a dining room, an office, a library and a room for theater costumes. On the second floor there are dressing room, dressing room, living room. The interiors are decorated with painted narrative stained glass dedicated to the...