Event archive

Festival of ice sculptures in the Peter and Paul Fortress

Festival of ice sculptures in the fortress D Welcome. We have Peter and Paul...

Lesson painting and lecture in the Hermitage

Lesson painting and lecture in the Hermitage January 8 at the Hermitage will take painting lessons – the example of famous paintings of Impressionism style, as well as paintings of the Renaissance painters, will be shown pictures of the basic techniques of writing, the nuances and subtleties Lesson consider immortal paintings of Dutch artists of the XVII century, renowned for its small, but thoroughly and carefully decorated with paintings – Pieter de Hooch and Jan van Goyen. Also...

Exhibition of Arts and Food

Exhibition: ARTS AND FOOD C 19 December to 10 January * in Vvystavochnom Hall of the St. Petersburg Association for International sotrudnichesktva on Liteiny pr 60 will host an exhibition ARTS & FOOD – which will allow you a completely new way to look at the everyday food and food in general.. On it you will see photos of the 40 professional photographers, where the head of the composition are food and a variety of dishes, but appear they are in a whole new light – the usual...

KGB exhibition. People destiny operation. 1940-1990-s

Until 31 December at the Museum “Pea, 2” can catch the exhibition “KGB. People destiny operation. . 1940-1990-s » visitors waiting – declassified KGB documents and intelligence popular films about the scouts Soviet patriotic songs thematic literature rare photographs awards KGB unique technique, that was used for covert operations. Fascinating biographies security officials, celebrities and covert operations, technology and the theory of “spy wars”...

Classical music concert in the Gallery

Classical music concert in St. Petersburg December 27 in St. Petersburg in the North Atrium shopping center “Gallery” will be a concert of classical music performed by the St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra conducted by Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Cantor. Will be presented the most at the concert famous works by Tchaikovsky, Strauss and Khachaturian “Concert waltz” Sviridov and many other When:. On December 27, 19-00 Where: SEC “Gallery”...

Garage sale in Tsiferburge

Garage sale in the “Tsiferburge» Sometimes drastic changes in the New Year begins, even after make out things in the closet, among which, by the way, there is a lot of unnecessary. It is this clothing or accessories can bring happiness to other people in the garage rasprodazhe.V headspace “Tsiferburg” will be a kind of alternative to the Christmas Fair – Garage sale. Where you can meet new people, and not just buy them the original stuff, but also to hear the...