Event archive

Ball Robot Exhibition

January 2 for the first time in St. Petersburg will be a large-scale gathering of the best robots from around the world! This will take place at the exhibition “Ball Robot” in a creative space ‘Weavers’. During the event, visitors will robovystavka, robolaboratoriya, robofoto and robomarket. Interactive exhibition will introduce robots created by the latest science and technology brought from various parts of the world – the United States, South Korea, Japan One...

Concert Masterpieces of Baroque

January 3 violinist Vladimir Shulyakovsky and distinguished Russian early music ensemble will present a program at the Smolny Cathedral “Masterpieces of the Baroque”. Will sound amazing “Four Seasons” by Vivaldi and the cycle of the four cantatas of Joseph Bodin de Boismortier. Composers amazing destinies and amazing talents will give the audience the wonderful experience, which will contribute to one of the most charming concert halls of St. Petersburg, with its...

Exhibition-presentation of the new Hermitage gifts

Exhibition-presentation of the new Hermitage gifts Art lovers can take a look at the most interesting and unique artifacts that are presented to the museum in honor of his birthday. The exhibition – the egg Faberge works, donated to the museum by Vladimir Putin, “Rothschild” clock, a vase with a picture of the opening ceremony of the Alexander Column, and even personal portfolio Alexander I. most valuable artifacts exhibited in the Apollo Hall of the Winter Palace. The...

Great silent film screenings Cycle

January 4 starts screenings cycle the most important bands of representative of silent films in the world. The audience will see the film “Battleship” Potemkin “, filmed by Eisenstein, Sergei, learn a lot about Jeanne d & rsquo;. Arc and together with Charlie Chaplin succumb to “Gold Rush» On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the first public display of the Lumiere brothers in RNB will show masterpieces world cinema, which became part of the international...

Christmas Market Art Market on the Elagin Island

And do not go there for the winter Elagin island – one of the most charming places of St. Petersburg But not only to take a walk, get some fresh air and clear your head from the backlog by the end of difficult year worries, doubts and anxieties … Hence, in addition to excellent mood, can be carried out with a cute toy, handmade jewelry, painted boots, gingerbread and candies, leather goods, fur and felt, original garlands. All vendors will be located in a cute little houses,...

Christmas Night Film of the dial

Night Christmas movie in the “dials» All according to script, ladies and gentlemen, all according to the scenario. Snow, fairs, gifts, shopping, buying Christmas trees, preparing for the New Year is in full swing. Christmas mood already in the air, and now it was the turn view classic “New Year paintings”. “A Christmas Story,” “Love Actually” and, of course, “Home Alone” – those movies you can watch on 27 December antikafe...