Event archive

Golden Mask Theatre Festival

From 8 to 12 December in St. Petersburg – one of the largest theater festivals in Russia – “Golden Mask” The festival will be held the following events: December 8 19: 00Vecher ballets by Jiri Kylian at the New Mariinsky Theatre < br> December 9 19: 00Opera «Cosi fan tutte» staged by the Theatre of opera and ballet. Tchaikovsky (Perm) December 10, 19: 00Spektakl “The Good Person of Szechwan” staged by Theater. A. Pushkin (Moscow) December 11 19:...

Venice Baroque Orchestra Viva Vivaldi

On December 5, at the Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theatre will perform the famous Venice Baroque Orchestra Viva Vivaldi Program -.. the symphony, instrumental concertos and arias from operas by Antonio Vivaldi In concert participates outstanding European contralto Sonia Prina. Among the records of the singer -. Oratorios and operas by Handel, Vivaldi and Monteverdi, played by leading European ensembles and orchestras playing on authentic instruments December 5 audience will hear arias from...

Exposure Masonic collection

The exhibition dedicated to the collection of items related to one of the most mysterious movements, which included the best minds of Europe and the Russian Empire collection of Masonic objects in the museum began collecting in 1934. To date, this collection is considered one of the most impressive in the country. Total in storage can count several thousand exhibits, which at one time received from the State Hermitage, of the State Historical Museum, as well as purchased abroad or bringing a...

Christmas Bazaar in ESWL

Unique jewelry, household items in the style of “Happy New Year!”, Tableware, gifts for loved ones – all this you will find in the DLT New Year, ladies and gentlemen, the New Year on the nose. Association? The smell of tangerines, needles, a sense of celebration, shopping and gifts, and the expectation of something new in the next year and a farewell to the previous year – this collection, perhaps the most common, when we describe an event such as New Year. Therefore,...

Festival of Russian-Italian cinema RIFF

Festival of Russian-Italian cinema RIFF (Russia-Italia Film Festival) will be held in St. Petersburg from 2 to 14 December festival Categories:! Auteur cinema documentary Short Form Also at the festival will be presented Russia’s new strip. Shows will be held from 2 to 14 December 2014 in the cinema center “Rodina». Film screenings will be followed by meetings with directors. Shows will be held in Italian with Russian subtitles. Movies Russian directors – in Russian...

International festival of legendary Italy

International Festival “Legendary Italy» 29 November in St. Petersburg kicks off the Italian Week. What first comes to mind when the word Italy? Expensive car stylish, exquisite cuisine (and is not limited to spaghetti and pizza!), Masterpieces of art. This is what will be shown in our city – featuring retro movies, folk music concert, presentation of the Ferrari museum, and of course the kitchen – including Italian sweets will be represented in large numbers. For lovers of...