Event archive

Spring holiday fountains

In the coming Saturday at the Grand cascade museum “Peterhof” will be a bright spring ball fountains with music in the background shimmering in the sun water jets This year, the traditional action promises to be incredibly beautiful and will be devoted to significant event -. 70th anniversary of the start of fountains . after the war main venue will be the Grand cascade, which will develop a theatrical performance: a musical accompaniment to the sky pulled crystal jets of water...

Comic Con Festival in St. Petersburg

No matter how much they may be – we still will not be enough! Because this universe – infinite! Superheroes, sci-fi, anime, space, fantasy, computer games, movies, and serious guys otvyaznye freaks – there is everything it’s – fiction festival Somic Con 21 th and May 22 th at St. Petersburg JCC can will see, touch and even buy everything and even more! Guests, of course, waiting for promotions, contest cosplay, costumes, toys, stickers, badges, stationery, bags,...

International Youth Water Festival 2016

Perhaps the water most of the water sports are only known surfing water skiing yes. And here May 28-29, you will find a show with the participation of professional wakeboarders and flaybordistov flying on the boards just above the water, add extreme demonstration runs on other swimming facilities: for example, the rise in the air flying boards and bikes – flyboard and dzhetovatory. Prescribe unrealistic stunts are kite and wind surfers. You see? You do not even know such words,...

Film exhibition Leonardo. History of genius

Come on. Leonardo Da Vinci. Mona Lisa? It’s all? Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius of his time – not only as an artist but also an architect, engineer and designer. Parachute, bearings, forerunner of the machine gun, diving suit, the first Hang and even prototype of the modern helicopter, biking and skiing – all made it So there are a lot of legends, secrets and mysteries of this great scholar, so -. Not miss a multimedia tour that will be held from 15 to 19 May at -…...

Performance To be or seem

But it interesnenko Theatre Body Pietragalla-Deru (France) brought to St. Petersburg the latest sensation! – Statement “To be or to seem” on the text by Louis Aragon and “Richard II» Shakespeare With choreography, plastics. texts and improvised variations dancer and choreographer Julien tear sculpts an image of a character, single, trying to penetrate the mysteries surrounding the passing and fighting with their passions Theatre body Pietragalla-tear -. is the name...

Oratorio Haydn’s The Creation at the Mariinsky Theatre

Petersburg music lovers waiting for a rare treat to hear an amazing oratorio of the great Haydn “Creation of the World” – 18 May at the Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theatre Completed in 1798. He recognized the undisputed masterpiece of the composer author of the libretto of the oratorio was made famous Austrian diplomat and archivist -.. Gottfried . Van Swieten, who took as a basis the book of Genesis and the “Paradise Lost” by John Milton Work Haydn became a...