Event archive

International youth water festival

And whether it is time, as they say, go to the water procedures? The sun finally was hot, and hopefully will continue to bake)) And this is what is offered – International Youth water festival! ! Windsurfers, motosёrfery, kitesurfers and other handlers of the water element with all the tricks and gadgets in one place and at one time Masters of all possible water sports will meet May 29 to 12:00 on the beach Park 300 – anniversary of St. Petersburg and show that on the shores of...

St. Petersburg Design Week

From tomorrow starts Festival of Fashion and design solutions. Yes, from the series “stylish, trendy, youth-unusually-come-buy”. Officially, the event is as follows, remember or write – St. Petersburg Design Week. Translated into your own language – it turns out modest – Design Week in St. Petersburg – an international project in the field of design, art, and it is worth a visit arhitektury.I Firstly, it is once a year.. Secondly, it is really going to a...

Ice Cream Festival May 28

Sweet tooth, feast on your street. Not right now, of course, but 28 May – exactly. Among the positive points that day – promise a very warm and sunny weather (not to jinx it), well, and of little things – the largest festival of ice cream in our city, hundreds and hundreds of kinds of ice cream about.! Eyes sparkled something, of course, do not often see such an abundance on the streets of our city. This you do not purchased briquettes, or banal wafer cups (although they will...

Exhibition and sale of Treasure Petersburg

C 27 to 29 May in a luxurious atrium Academy. Stieglitz – Jewellery Exhibition and sale of “Treasures of St. Petersburg» jewelery with precious and semi-precious stones, antiques, paintings, art weapons – all this and more for every taste and budget. Simple things every day, created with taste and love, things are “output” gifts “from the heart” and presents “status” – will definitely be at the show to see and plenty to choose from ...

Cinema on the roof: ROOF CINEMA

Hurrah Hurrah! Summer Hi Hat pad opens the season on the roof of a movie! Already on May 29 from 22:00 to 23:30 the first guests an excellent selection of short films Love Shorts in waiting for the show season. You waiting for fresh air, vast sky, a great movie and the serene atmosphere of romance! All films are shown in their original language with Russian subtitles. The number of places is strictly limited, the roof, unfortunately, not rubber! Purchase tickets in advance. Summer...

St. Petersburg Festival of national cuisines

C 11 to 13 June we will have a very interesting festival, you can taste the unusual and delicious cuisine from around the world. The highlight of the fact that all the food will be presented in one place, and, given the scale of this event, the organizers will prepare something really unusual – and a variety of dishes will surprise any gourmet dishes Apart from foreign countries, the festival will feature the diversity of the national. Russian cuisine – yes, on the face of...