Event archive

Dinner Party in Leningrad Zoo

Leningrad Zoo again invites residents and visitors to observe how the zoo staff feed their pets. Viewers will learn about the preferences and habits of taste such exotic creatures as crocodiles, iguanas, tigers, cormorants, giraffes. There will be workshop where you can make your own hands toy for primates, and then another, and to be a guest on their meal. Also dinner “to the public” polar bear and wolverine. For those who want the new knowledge quiz will be organized also...

Alice. Images and paradoxes of Lewis Carroll

On the 4th of April to 14 June to Nevsky Prospekt., D. 78, 4th floor, will open an exhibition dedicated to everyone’s favorite product of “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. Fantasy, well seasoned with freedom, and exquisitely supplemented paradoskami entice anyone who dares to take the risk to plunge into the wonderful kingdom beyond the rabbit hole. Miracles in the dreams of little Alice to conquer is not the first generation of children, all also without weakening its...

Fashion Week

From 3 to 6 April in the arena will host the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps Fashion Week. It displays the new collection autumn-winter 2014/15 with the dominant theme of ” Reflections ”, which will show what our society lives today. There will also be educational programs in the field of fashion industry and will be allocated to grants for young...

Exhibition Erica Parfenova

April 2 at 18:00 starts its exhibition Erica Parfenova in the club ” Place “. author dedicates it to the people who find themselves in life. Erica herself a master class how to combine your favorite job and work will also be carried trainings fotomasterstva. Her creative works are such well-known brands as ” Cosmopolitan ” and ” Ginza Project...

Travel Lectures

travel in the course of lectures «Biblioteka food and the city» at Nevsky pr., 20. The next lecture will be held on the 3rd of April in 19 hours and will be devoted to travel to India. You will be told about Goa, Himalaya, Mumbai, the Taj Mahal and Jaipur, the much-loved by tourists, and the other side of this mysterious country. Following lectures will be held at the same time, 10, 17 and 24 of April and they will be discussed about the Dominican Republic, Morocco and Cyprus. Do not miss...

XI Festival of humor

XI humor festival, held since 2001 in theater “MimIGRAanty”, this time will be timed to two holidays -. Fool’s Day and the Day of Gogol’s birth 205mu event will take place from 1 to 6 April in the theater at Ave. . Riga, d 23, and on the streets – will affect the historical center of St. Petersburg is traditionally the festival’s program: a shot out of a cannon on the fortress, April Fools’ greeting the newlyweds; clown parade in the company of the...