Event archive

Joy Art Festival

Today in the SEC ” Balkania NOVA ” ‘ start one of the stages of the international network of the festival shops Leonardo’ ‘The joy of creativity’ ‘. The event will be held numerous master classes and presentations in different directions. Little visitors are welcomed creative activities, modeling, origami folding, assembly...

Festival Prosmotr

If you are dealing with graphic design, visual advertising, or simply decided to find out about this poluchshe- come to the festival ” Prosmotr ” in the creative space ‘Weavers’. The first two days will host various seminars, training and programs. In the remaining time will be selected the most outstanding work, and the most active voting will be awarded prizes from...

Green World Exhibition Petersburg

The Memorial Museum “all ranks Petersburg” opens the exhibition, which tells about the world’s greenest cities in the XVIII – XX centuries First, the very nature of trying to prevent the construction of the city in this area:. “Mossy boggy ‘shore, swamp, unsteadily soil. But Neva transformed granite embankments, residents stood before the laws of nature, and now the city is thriving: spread throughout the parks and gardens. However, in the first half of the...

Beauty Exhibition. Health. Youth

The exposition center “Eurasia” will tell visitors about proper nutrition and not only. Exhibition Association “SIVEL” invites all fans of natural beauty products and healthy food to the exhibition “Beauty. Health. Youth “, which will be held from April 8 to 14 at the Captain Voronina, 13. Events like this have successfully organized for the past 15 years. They are popular both among ordinary consumers and the specialists from the sphere of medicine,...

Aurora Fashion Week

For the fourth year in a row in our city hosts one of the most significant events in the world of fashion-Aurora Fashion Week. This time it will be held in the Russian Academy of Arts, visitors can purchase tickets for a particular event, whether it’s the show of fashion designers, with a market branded goods, which will present a variety of boutiques and night sales by shopping centers and...

flannel market

Today, from 12 to 20 hours in the open air ” Sea ” on Malaya Morskaya 20 pass flannel market. Almost all things are hand-made clothes, toys and art. It will also work on Studio henna painting, the money from the sale of which will go to charity, you can have a meal freshly baked croissants with honey souffle and custard tea to your taste. All visitors to participate in a prize draw, and came in flannel extra-tasty...