
Alexander Palace
Alexander Palace

Alexander Palace was founded in 1792 by decree of Empress Catherine II he presented as a gift for the wedding of her favorite grandson, in the future -. Emperor Alexander I, with Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseevna. In May 1796, the final year of the reign of Empress Catherine II, the palace construction was completed, and 12 June 1796 Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich and his wife moved there. Project Alexander Palace belongs to the hand of the famous Italian architect George. Quarenghi. The...

Memorial Lyceum Museum
Memorial Lyceum Museum

Place vzrostivshee many prominent Russian actors and creators In 1949, the 150th anniversary since the birth of Alexander Pushkin, in Tsarskoye Selo in the former Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum -. One of Russia’s first quarter of the most prestigious educational institutions XIX century (pledged by the Emperor Alexander I in 1811 for the children of noblemen) – was opened memorial Museum-Lyceum. Pushkin studied there from 1811 to 1817. Here the future poet gained vernyh friends, to...

Museum of the History of Religion
Museum of the History of Religion

Museum of the History of Religion, unique in its kind, since few are taken to work in this category, but still managed to assemble a collection, numbering more than 180 thousand. Pieces. Initially, he thought the Soviet authorities as a kind of propaganda of atheism, so his first place accommodation was Kazan Cathedral. But the museum staff, naoboorot, conducted educational activities among the people, to explain the complex evolution of religious beliefs and cults, as well as preserving the...


Nienschanz archaeological museum dedicated to the excavations at the site of the present St. Petersburg. It was opened in 2003, to the tercentenary of St Petersburg, it presents findings that show the history of the peoples who lived here in the pre-Petrine times. The very exhibition is divided into two parts, permanent and temporary, permanent introduces visitors to the archeology of the city, and the time-all significant events that occur in the world of art. Entrance to the museum free for...

Ethnographical museum
Ethnographical museum

Ethnographic Museum is one of the largest in Europe, was created as part of the Russian Museum, but later became independent. Building contains more than half a million of merchandise 158 monuments of culture of peoples of Russia, including such unique as the fish skin clothes and nettle fibers. The entire museum complex is divided into zones, which exhibits a certain culture and every thing can tell you about the unique traits, age-old traditions and aspects of life. Besides the usual...

Mini-city in Alexander Park
Mini-city in Alexander Park

For those who want to quickly inspect all major dostoprimechatelnnosti of our city, in June 2011, began its existence reduced sculpture major monuments. After another successful demonstration of the sculptural group on a smaller scale, namely Rembrandt ” Night Watch ”, it was decided to create something like this on a regular basis. Thus it was created from granite and bronze copies of the Palace, and Senate Square, the Kazan and St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Peter and Paul Fortress...