Alexander Palace

Alexander Palace Alexander Palace was founded in 1792 by decree of Empress Catherine II
he presented as a gift for the wedding of her favorite grandson, in the future -. Emperor Alexander I, with Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseevna. In May 1796, the final year of the reign of Empress Catherine II, the palace construction was completed, and 12 June 1796 Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich and his wife moved there.
Project Alexander Palace belongs to the hand of the famous Italian architect George. Quarenghi. The palace is a two-storey oblong building with two wings on each side. The interiors, designed by George. Quarenghi, executed in classical canon, in the same form holds the whole building.
Emperor Nicholas I loved the Alexander Palace and continuously engaged in its accomplishment.
In order grandson of Nicholas I, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich , the future Emperor Alexander III of, the palace was the residence of the Grand Duke.
Today, Alexander Palace is associated with the final page in the history of the Russian Empire. In this palace the last 12 years of the reign of the last Russian tsar, hence the morning August 1, 1917, Nicholas II and his family went to the Ekaterinburg to meet his end.
