
Apartment Museum PK Kozlov
Apartment Museum PK Kozlov

Apartment Museum of Peter Kuzmich Kozlov, a reflection of his turbulent life, entirely dedicated to research in Central Asia He was a pupil of another of our famous compatriot, Prezhevalskogo;. Kozlov personally took part in six expeditions, thanks to which the world learned of the ‘dead city’ in the Gobi desert and the mounds of the Huns in the north of the museum it was created Mongolii.Sam in 1989 and consists of several rooms, characterizing his work: an office, a room of...

Erotica Museum
Erotica Museum

Erotica Museum in St. Petersburg is one of the biggest, but still young in comparison with their foreign counterparts. It was founded by the chief doctor of the center Igor Prostate Knyazkin in the late 90-ies of the last century and since then the collection has more than 15 thousand exhibits. Some of the things he was donated by famous people-Michael Piatrovskim, Boris Berezovsky and Philip Kirkorov. It presents a variety of works of art, play up the theme of the human body beauty, but...

The Wax Museum
The Wax Museum

In this place you can find the most famous people in the world and a variety of fictional characters. History Wax in Russia began with Peter I-it was he who had brought from Europe a head made of voska.No after his death, this kind of art did not demand and forget about it for almost a century, when there was an exhibition of figures in Peterhof, consisting of 19 prominent people of the last century. It is now a leader in this area is firm Alex show, which has several exhibition areas in our...

Кshesinskaya mansion
Кshesinskaya mansion

Кshesinskaya mansion, located at the intersection of Bolchaya Dvoryanskaya street (renamed Kuybysheva street) and Kronverksky avenue, is a St-Petersburg art nouveau monument. This architectural style is characterized by asymmetrical design and opulent stylized nature ornaments. The mansion was designed by Alexander von Gogen and built by 1906 for Mathilda Кshesinskaya, Nicholas II’s mistress before he became Tsar. In 1917, the building was ironically turned into Bolsheviks...

Дом Родиона Раскольникова
Дом Родиона Раскольникова

Sorry, this entry is only available in RU.В доме на пересечении Гражданской улицы и Столярного переулка начинается действие романа Федора Михайловича Достоевского «Преступление и наказание». Здание было построено в 1831 году архитектором Егором Цолликофером. Комната Раскольникова,...

Public art as a means of dialogue with the artist’s city
Public art as a means of dialogue with the artist

20 September Space Taiga waits to 19:00 to take part in the discussion “The real and imaginary: public art as a means of dialogue with the artist’s city”. – As public art works with the environment, how it interacts with the audience, what goals puts ? – What are the possible ways to interact with the artists space physical objects, images, sound, taste, movement, even subconscious and augmented reality -. among the means of expression of contemporary artists ...