Church of Shestakov icon of the Mother of God of the Georgian parish

Church of Shestakov icon of the Mother of God of the Georgian parish Church of Shestakov icon of the Mother of God was designed in 1897 by architect. NN Nikonov for farmstead Shestakovsky Ascension Monastery of Tver diocese.
By 1900, construction was completed on the site of the old wooden church. The foundation stone was consecrated by St. Rights. John of Kronstadt.
Church on a high basement is built in the style of the XVII century in the image of Shatrovo-domed churches of Moscow and Yaroslavl.
In 1932, the temple and the courtyard were closed and handed over to the district headquarters of defense. Hlávka and drums demolished. After World War II design institute located in the building.
At the beginning of the 1990s. Georgia St. Petersburg community petitioned to transfer her to the church of the Three Hierarchs, which housed the Georgian parish in 1917-1918. However, in 1993, it was allocated to another building – the church in the name of Shestakov icon of the Mother of God, and in November 1993 began service in the church, fitted in the lower area. In 1996 g.nachalis restoration works, and until 2000 the Georgian fraternity Petersburg restored church at his own expense.
May 19, 2002, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Vladimir consecrated the Church of Shestakov icon of the Mother of God of the Georgian parish.
The service is conducted in Georgian and Slavonic languages.
