
Museum of Russian Grand Layout

Музей «Гранд Макет Россия»Гранд-макет России — это самый большой макет нашей страны. Площадью более 800 квадратных метров (!) , на нем представлены города, поселки, реки, дороги ( в том числе и железнодорожные , в виде точных копий сетей с действующими моделями поездов )...

The first St. Petersburg Classical Gymnasium

It founded in 1817 and is one of the oldest educational institutions in St. Petersburg. Initially the institution was organized as a noble board – ie, Closed. social class institution with the rights of the higher education institution. Graduates of it had the right to receive “class ranks” who were in the “Table of Ranks.” Tuition and stay in the boarding school students was carried out by parents. Studied at the guest house for 5 years (fifth grade was a...

Monument to Nicholas I

This 16-meter-high monument was erected after the death of the emperor. Emperor clothed in the dress uniform of the Life Guards regiment, as it was he who was their chief a few years. Four bas-relief on the pedestal are, tell us about the key moments of the reign of Nicholas I: the revolt of the Decembrists in 1825; cholera riots in 1831 in the Haymarket Square; awarding MMSperanskii, collected and vypustevshego in 1832 “Code of Laws of the Russian Empire”; the opening of the...

Area Rebellion

This is one of the first sights you see tourists arriving in St. Petersburg by train. Before the October Revolution it bore the name of Znamenskoye, in honor of the church, which stood on the site of today’s metro hall. It was dismantled in 1941 and now only a label reminiscent of bygone days hanging on the building. The church was the first building constructed on even the nascent area, and only later came the railway station and the four-storey hotel with the same name, now the ”...

Academy of Arts

The luxury building on the University Embankment was designed in 1763 professor of architecture of the St. Petersburg Academy of JB Vallin de la Mothe. The main facade of the monumental building overlooks the waterfront, adjacent to it are four “shell” forming round the courtyard. This is one of the first buildings in St. Petersburg, designed by printsype classicism. The entrance portico is decorated with statues of Hercules and Flora – copies of ancient statues. The Academy...

Monument Conca

This progenitor of the tram is now on the ” eternal wharf ‘near the metro station’ ‘Vasileoostrovskaya’ ‘. She came to us from England, but one distinguishing feature-horse was added to the cars was dragged along the rails rather than overhead. Already in 1910, when the first 30 lines were launched, they transported more than a million passengers, which in those days was an astronomical figure. Therefore, it was decided to expand the fleet to 3 and a half...