Event archive

Georg Baselitz How it started …

In the halls of the Marble Palace will open a major exhibition of modern European classics – Georg Baselitz – one of the founders of neo-expressionism – curly ensemble, live emotions and bright colors July 16 -. 1 October addition to its importance in the art world neoekspressionista, Baselitz also is the founder of the movement “New wild”. master began his career at the turn of 1950-1960-ies and immediately established himself as an artist,...

Exhibition City – habitat 2015

Take a look at the city as a system, a specific habitat – from different angles and unusual parties (including the above) – an interesting opportunity Kommersant from July 11 to August 9 AF (daily from 11-00 to 18-00)! to visit hidden from prying eyes yards, acquainted with urban type, see the city from the rooftops and explore the unique art objects will be lovers of photography and urbanism at the annual large-scale exhibition, which for 10 years, tells about the life of the big...

International Festival of Opera – all

July 12 the festival will begin presentation of Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s opera “Mazeppa” on Cathedral Square and Paul Fortress (conductor Fabio Mastrangelo, director Viktor Vysotsky). July 15 at the theater “Music Hall” show “Turandot” by Puccini (director Olga Muhortova, . the conductor’s podium, Sergei Stadler) July 18, in Tsarskoye Selo will “Don Giovanni” by Mozart directed by Basil Zarzhetsky, Fabio Mastrangelo will conduct the...

Dante’s Divine exhibition at the Museum of the History of Religion

Museum of the History of Religion has prepared an interesting exhibition for the 750th anniversary of the great Dante Alighieri -. “Dante’s Divine» extremely informative exhibition tells about the poet Dante, politicians, philosophers, linguists, “the father of the Italian literary language” exhibition tells the legendary. the story of Dante and Beatrice, who became a symbol of love as Petrarch and Laura, Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet … course, a central...

Retrospective of films by Andrei Tarkovsky in The Cinema theater

The man who saw an angel – such inscription is made on a monument at the grave of Andrei Tarkovsky at the Russian cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois, near Paris. At the base of Orthodox cross carved seven steps according to the number of films directed by Each film Tarkovsky became event … no, -. Revelation. Since the beginning of 1960 – s his name has been on the lips of the world’s best directors, scriptwriters, cameramen and critics … The chamber theater...

Tour Night mystic Petersburg viewing the bridges

Excursion “Night mystic Petersburg” to view the bridges Petersburgers see a city on the verge of normal and abnormal, being and nothingness. The mystical world of St. Petersburg – not a myth, not an idle fiction, but a reality. Half of the houses of a modern city is in the anomalous zones – a former pagan temples, active faults in the earth’s crust and a mystical place. During the trip, you can find out exactly where they are and how they affect the human psyche....