Peter Laul and Felix Korobov at the Philharmonic

Peter Laul and Felix Korobov at the Philharmonic Charming offers concert June 8th St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic. Shostakovich (big hall).
For conductor’s desk in the evening rise conductor and cellist, Honored Artist of Russia, chief conductor of the Moscow Academic Musical Theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, the artistic director chamber orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory -. maestro Felix Korobov
At the piano will reign one more meter of the classic scene – a well-known pianist, a representative of the St. Petersburg piano school – Peter Laul
In the center of the first branch of the program -. the twenty-seventh clavier concert of Mozart, who became the last . in the works of the great classics
Interesting thoughts on the performance of the Mozart voiced maestro Korobov, answering questions in 2014:
“- in a recent interview, you said that every few years there is a performer, changing attitude to Mozart’s execution <. br> – These are the words of Paul Badura-Skoda, the largest specialist in Mozart: Mozart’s style of performance is changing with the advent of the person who feels it differently, finding new nuances, accents. These individuals appear every 7, 10, perhaps 15 years. For example, the marathon played American Andrew Tyson – in many prestigious competitions, he was second or third place. So bright personality that does not fit in the competitive framework – it is higher, more interesting
Everyone knows how to play in the competition to get the first prize: the highest skill are needed option, not irritating his personality.. But Tyson did not fit into this set of stamps. He plays what he feels, he has his own relationship with time, with the author, it is open, sincere and talented! The same Mozart was Andrei Gugnina – fantastic & hellip; The room was quiet – did not pass, everyone was afraid to move. In the second part suddenly started to happen things that we did not agree: slow, pause – a soloist, conductor and the orchestra began to improvise, he felt absolute confidence in each other “
The second part of the upcoming concert will be dedicated to the music of Jacques Ibert, one of the largest. . French composers of the XX century audience will hear his “Tribute to Mozart” suite “Paris” and well-known orchestral Divertissement Singer -. Academic Symphony orchestra
June 8, 20:00
St. Michael’s, 2 +7 (812) 312-98-71
