
Suvorov Museum
Suvorov Museum

Museum dedicated to the memory of Generalissimo AV Suvorov (1729-1800). Was founded in 1900 in honor of the centenary of the death of the commander and inaugurated four years later, in 1904, to the 175th anniversary of Suvorov’s birth. Suvorov was the first person in Russia, in whose honor the memorial museum was erected. The building on the corner of Kirochnaya and Taurian Street was built specifically for the project of the museum AI Gauguin’s background in the style of old...

Engineers castle
Engineers castle

St. Michael’s or Engineer Castle, the largest architectural monument, the final story themselves Petersburg architecture of the XVIII century. Its name Mikhailovsky Castle obliged the occupants temple of Archangel Michael, the patron saint of the Romanov dynasty, and fad Paul I, who took the title of Grand Master of the Order of Malta, called all its palaces “locks”; the second name – “Engineering” comes from there is since 1823 the Chief Engineering School....

Spaso-Preobpazhensky sobor
Spaso-Preobpazhensky sobor

Spaso-Preobpazhensky sobor (the official name – Cathedral Preobrazheniya Gospodnya entire Guard) in St. Petersburg -. Pravoslavny Temple St. Peterburgskoy and Ladozhskoy diocese Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Church on Preobrazhenskoy area Postroen s projects by Stasov in 1829 godu on the site of an earlier temple. . The monument of classical architecture never close to bogosluzheniya; in 1920 – 1940 in Semidetached periody nahodilsya run by different “obnovlencheskih”...

Palace bridge
Palace bridge

Palace Bridge is one of the most recognizable symbols of the city. It connects the central part of the city and the Vasilevsky Island. The length of the bridge, 250 meters long, 27.7; consists of five proletov.Most pyatiprolёtny metal with an adjustable span between. Regular flights of two-span covered with metal riveted truss girder of a continuous system, with curved zones. When wiring the bridge balances fall into the wells of support, which are located at a depth of 6.0 meters below the...

rostral column
rostral column

Impersonation power and greatness of the state of the Navy, as well as a reference to the ancient Roman custom of decorating the columns rostra defeated enemy ships. Rostral columns were erected in 1810 and in the XIX century functioned as beacons port of the northern capital. Inside each tower is a spiral staircase leading to the upper terrace with a huge bowl-lamp and a metal tripod that holds it. In a bowl filled hemp oil, which gives a huge pillar of fire, showing the way the ships in the...

Artillery Museum
Artillery Museum

Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps -. One of the largest military museums in the world in More bastion of the fortress began to collect interesting and rare instruments. Over time, the meeting marked the beginning of the collection of the museum svoremennogo while nosiv name Zeughaus. The date of foundation of the museum is considered to be 1756. Since 1868, the museum is housed in the former Arsenal, which is now. Until 1965, he was called Artillery historical...