
Пушкинская 14
Пушкинская 14

Sorry, this entry is only available in RU.Сегодня мы расскажем о доме, в котором находится один из наших самых любимых гостями отелей — это Пушкинская 14! Также стоит отметить, что этот отель был открыт раньше остальных в нашей сети. Архитектором дома 14 на Пушкинской улице был Павел Юльевич...

Muruzi Apartment House in St. Petersburg
Muruzi Apartment House in St. Petersburg

The Muruzi House was built in the Moorish style. The facades were elaborately decorated with corner towers, bay windows, balconies, terracotta columns and arabesques. However, the House is best known for its multiple connections to Russian literature. Famous writers Dmitry Merezhkovskiy and Zinaida Gippius lived there for nearly 25 years and had many illustrious Russian silver age poets and philosophers among their guests. A bit later, one large room, or “room-and-a-half” of a...

Apartment Museum Blok
Apartment Museum Blok

In this house the famous writer spent the last nine years of his life The museum, which is open to the centenary of his birth, three exhibition work:. Memorial, literary and exposure “unit and its environment.” The archive consists of personal items saved the wife of the writer. The memorial shows the situation of the apartments and furniture of the poet, and literary – acquaints with the biography and works of Apartment Museum of Alexander Blok is a branch of the Museum of...

Swedish Church of St. Catherine
Swedish Church of St. Catherine

Swedish Church of St. Catherine, was formed after the division of the Finnish and Swedish religious communities. It was built in 1767 on the site where it has provided the government. Mostly, accommodates only 300 people, it was built in the style of psevdoromanskom; later, when the number of parishioners increased, coming also need to be expanded, and in 1863 on the donations of all comers capacity was increased to 1,200 people, but the architecture because it is not affected. The church...

House teardrop socialism
House teardrop socialism

House ” tear socialism ” – one of the first utility-type facilities in our city It has built in 1930 a group of young engineers and writers, who did not want to live with the old way of life.. The project, it was decided to make a model, but sometimes ideas brought to the point of absurdity, trying to make the general-cell rooms for six or more people, with a shared shower and storage rooms without possibility to cook food. Such houses lasted until the beginning of World War...

Foundry bridge
Foundry bridge

Foundry Bridge was named thanks to the cast house, located in one of the banks of the Neva. First crossing there appeared before the founding of St. Petersburg, when the area owned by the Swedes. Therefore, the permanent bridge thinking only when it blew one of ledohodov.V 1875 started construction, and immediately faced with difficulties, river depth reaches 22 meters, and the soil was loose and not hold support. To solve this problem, special props height of more than 30 meters wide and were...