
St. Petersburg University LETI them. IN AND. Ulyanov
St. Petersburg University LETI them. IN AND. Ulyanov

Новое здание института на Аптекарском острове, в которое переехал Электротехнический институт Императора Александра III, было возведено в 1899-1903 годах специально для института по проекту арх. А.Н. Векшинского в стиле «модерн». Новое здание было оборудовано...

Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin
Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin

Церковь построена в неорусском стиле по проекту архитектора Н.Н.Никонова в 1889-1893. Церковь выполнена в стиле русских церквей XVII века. Отделку церкви выполняли суздальские мастера во главе с М.С. Серебряковым. Образа были исполнены князем Г.Г.Гагариным. Церковь была...

The first St. Petersburg Classical Gymnasium
The first St. Petersburg Classical Gymnasium

It founded in 1817 and is one of the oldest educational institutions in St. Petersburg. Initially the institution was organized as a noble board – ie, Closed. social class institution with the rights of the higher education institution. Graduates of it had the right to receive “class ranks” who were in the “Table of Ranks.” Tuition and stay in the boarding school students was carried out by parents. Studied at the guest house for 5 years (fifth grade was a...

Chapel of Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow
Chapel of Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow

The chapel was built in 1832 by architect Adrian I. Ochakov. Compound Holy-Transfiguration Valaam Monastery. Since 1919 he became the parish church. In 1932 – closed. In the 1990s, returned to the chapel to the Valaam monastery and re-opened for parishioners After construction -. Chapel of St. Nicholas wore the name.. In the early twentieth century in the parish church, in which then the number of the chapel, stored image of St. Nicholas, donated by merchant D. Polezhaev. In 1820,...

Manor Princes Beloselsky-Belozersky
Manor Princes Beloselsky-Belozersky

Built for the famous princely family in 1846-1847 under the project of the famous Andrei Ivanovich Shtakenshnejdera. during World War II it was destroyed, and in 1960 finally dismantled. In 2004-2006, restored according to the original drawings of the...

Holy Trinity Community of the Sisters of Mercy
Holy Trinity Community of the Sisters of Mercy

The complex of buildings, consisting of – Women’s Hospital with the Church, outpatient and residential premises (. Vorotilov architect Evgraf, 1874-75), service wings (. Architect AF Krasovsky, 1882-84), girls’ school (architect WR. . Kurzanov, 1889-91), men’s hospital (1876-1880-e, Vorotilov, Krasovsky, Kurzanov). restaurant sisters of mercy community was established in 1844 on the initiative of Paul I, granddaughter of Princess Theresa of Oldenburg, Duchess of...