
Large and small whims
Large and small whims

Meanwhile Catherine and Alexander Parks passes Podkaprizovaya road It got its name from the two facilities -. Small and Big whim. Structures are artificial mound formed with arched spans, through which the road passes. The idea belonged to the vagaries of the VI Neelova who erected them in the years 1770-1774. Grand Caprice has a grand arch in width greater than 5, and in height – 7 meters. Second, a smaller arch was built nearby, in an earthen embankment. At the top of the Grand...

Hermitage Pavilion
Hermitage Pavilion

The unusual and magnificent building, whose name translates as “place of solitude”. Construction began during the reign of Empress Elizabeth, in the early 1740s. Hermitage was on the court, surrounded by a moat. Turquoise walls and gilded decorations create a festive around the joyful atmosphere. The building is surrounded by 64 white columns. Between the columns were installed 16 statues on the facade. There have also been installed 8 statues at the base of the dome, and 4 on the...

Turkish bath
Turkish bath

Hammam was the last building on the territory of the Catherine Park. Taking the Turkish mosque in Adrianople and Turkish tradition to arrange a bath in the churches in the conquered territories, the architect Manigetti thus “said” the Turks to build this monument to the Russian-Turkish war. Construction went from 1850 to 1852. Inside the baths placed trophies from sultan’s palace in Adrianople, dating back to 16-17 centuries. Six bath rooms are decorated in a Moorish style...

Alexander Garden
Alexander Garden

Alexander Garden is named in honor of Emperor Alexander II. He was laid back in 1704 as the area in front of the Admiralty, to which it was to reflect enemy attacks in the event of unexpected ataki.Pri city planning three main avenue divided the area into three parts, and in times of Anna Ivanovna is organized festivities. Gradually, the terrain around the garden transforms have been established St. Isaac’s Cathedral, a monument to Peter I and other currently known attractions. To the...

Rumyantsev garden

Rumyantsev garden was laid out around the obelisk ‘Rumyantsev victories” established here in 1818. Initially this place was Menshikov market, named after the Earl mansion nearby. He then became a parade ground for the Cadet Corps, which is located in the palace of the prince after his death. In 1866, at the expense of one of the merchants. living garden was laid out nearby. for entrance to the buyout charged an entrance fee. After the death of the founder of the garden, he was...

Sennaya square
Sennaya square

Sennaya-old trade area, which got its name from the hay and firewood to sell here in abundance. Due to the low cost of housing and proximity to the center flocked here all the poor and crime of the city, it also carried out a public punishment of runaway serfs and criminals. It is this area of ​​Dostoevsky chose the isolation of the place of his famous novel ‘Crime and Punishment’. The most significant architectural monument, located on the square, Church of the Assumption, was...