Any tattoo carries a specific meaning, and Japanese “horimono” – is no exception. More precisely, it is the Japanese tattoos, like no other, is meant by a specific meaning, it is not just a dragon on his back, or carp, or a funny Japanese spirit on the shoulder packed, no. It’s all serious. By the way, the first patterns in Japan were applied before our era
For those who are impressed by the Eastern body art, and he wants to learn more -. Welcome to “floors”, where the cycle of lectures on this topic will be held. The first lecture will be entirely devoted to the history of Japanese tattoos, who made the first taturovku, background and origins of this art – roughly speaking, people have come to such a life, poke needles themselves. But those who are imbued with the first lecture will be able to learn the meaning, the meaning of tattoos, their purpose (caste tattoos, professional, etc.). Will not be boring.
March 12, beginning at 17:00
m. Ligovskiy Prospekt, Ligovsky pr., 74, Loft Project “Floors»
100 rubles entrance.