Miniature town, where over the streets, powdered sugar will rise fancy gingerbread houses, descended from the pages of fairy tales Perrault and Andersen, will grow 4 January in the Moscow area. < br> in Ethnopark “Russia – Winter patterns” during the Christmas holidays will take a lot of interesting events, and on January 4 for the visitors open up a mini-exhibition of gingerbread houses. This is reported by the organizers. The exhibition, a small, but very spectacular: here you will see the gingerbread houses of all shapes and sizes, which belongs to the same characters of the New Year and Christmas, as well as a magnificent Christmas tree and Santa Claus
Guests can explore the sweetest and the most. Christmas exhibits by different authors. A variety of holiday houses will be part of a pattern – a miniature village, which could well serve as a backdrop to some fairy tale
. M. Moscow, Moscow Sq.
4 January from 12:00 to 22:00
Admission is free.