Exhibition artists slavyanistov

Exhibition artists slavyanistov All October in St. Petersburg, will open an exhibition-slavyanistov artists. More than 50 copyright works devoted to ancient Russian subjects, show guests “Floors” in the exhibition “Primary Russia” on September 30.
Great occasion to remember our roots, to get out of the house, to brighten up a dull gray St. Petersburg in October, enjoy a truly beautiful paintings , well, a dozen at least good reasons can cause, so more to the point – who, how, why. Two artists, Uglanov and Ivanov will present their work in the loft project “Floors”. Theme works – and they each work traced the same leitmotif – Ancient Rus-Mother, in all its most striking and interesting manifestations. Very much new can be learned about the outlook and values ​​of the time, and this is our story. Ladies and gentlemen. Philosophy Shaktism, matriarchal cult of the pre-Christian era, the Great Mother, which embodies the female deities and much, much more. No, no balalaika bast shoes and hats-ushanok, Axt.
M. Ligovsky Ligovsky prospect, 74, Loft Project “Floors»
September 30 -. October 30 from 9:00 to 21:00
150 rubles, pensioners, schoolchildren, students – 50 rubles
