A series of lectures on culture and art in the BDT them. Tovstonogov

A series of lectures on culture and art in the BDT them. Tovstonogov We all learned a little …
teach, learn and study again
And so on …
No, that’s not it, – just really very interesting, and lecturers – excellent!
in general – we go to the theater – a lecture about art! . Here
Excellent initiative referred to as: “.. A series of lectures on culture and art in the BDT named after Tovstonogov”
April 5 15:30 – Anna Nekrylova, folklore, drama, teacher of St. Petersburg Academy of Theatre art
April 12 15:30 – musicologist and critic Joseph Raiskin
April 19 15:30 – musicologist and critic Joseph Raiskin (lecture about Glinka)
April 26 15:30 – Eugene Hazdan tells the fascinating story of musical notation
May 17 15:30 – art historian, professor at the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatre Arts, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Nikolay Gromov
May 24 15:30 – philologist, folklorist, anthropologist, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, St. Petersburg state University Inna Veselova
May 31 15:30 – Interesting story about the symbolism of medieval medievalist linguist, critic Lana Ivanova
nab. Fontanka, d. 65
8 (812) 310-92-42
