Church of St Helena queen

Church of St Helena queen In 1870, the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, widow of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, patronized health facilities, proposed the establishment of a hospital for the poor with 100 beds, by combining it with the scientific and educational center.
In 1878 tab of the new building was carried out by architect P . Gedike. Fixed assets allocated for the construction of the Treasury, on the petition of the Grand Duchess.
May 21, 1885, the feast of St Queen Helena, the country’s first institution of higher education for the improvement of doctors was consecrated in the presence of Grand Duchess Catherine Mikhailovna, daughter of the founder. At the same time he was consecrated, housed in the projection of the main building two tiers of windows on the second floor of the temple. Outside the building was decorated with Doric portico and a high dome. In the workshop EN Schroeder on drawing architect was cut tiered iconostasis. Image of written ND Kuznetsov. Mural in the church engaged in a well-known metropolitan decorator SI Sadikov, marble work conducted – G. Bott, stucco -. VD Repin
In Eleninskaya Institute from 1894 to 1917 passed an advanced course about 10 thousand doctors from all over Russia.
first rector of the church was against it. Nikolai Nikanorovich Speransky, which in 1917 was succeeded by Fr.. Nikolai Pisarevsky. In 1919 the church was closed and liquidated four years. The room was occupied by a long training library that saved it from destruction and alterations.
June 2, 1999 consecration of the temple, and the temple was renewed liturgical life.
In 2002, over a temple restored dome (an area of ​​200 sq. M) and onion with a cross that returned Academy its original appearance.
also in 2002, work began on the temple wall fresco. The altar, “Christ the Pantocrator” (pictorial copy of the famous mosaic of the XII century in the Cathedral of Cefalu in Sicily), “The Mother of God with the upcoming”, “heavenly liturgy,” the images of St. John the Baptist and the other most revered saints. In the middle of the temple: “The Transfiguration of Christ” and “Epiphany.” The paintings are made a member of the Russian Artists’ Union V.A.Sharonovym. In the western arch of the temple continued work on the fresco images of saints doctors bezsrebrennikov.
Images for the iconostasis (King’s Gate, Christ Pantocrator, Great Panagia, St. Nicholas, St. Great Martyr. Panteleimon) written by Nikolai and Natalia Bogdanov. They also painted icons “Baptism of Rus” and “Saints Constantine and Helena with Life»
The service takes place on a special schedule..
