Tauride Gardens

Tauride Gardens Taurian garden- monument of landscape art in the central part of St. Petersburg.
Located in the quarter, limited Kirochnaya, Potemkin, Taurian Shpalernaya and streets. Area Tauride Gardens is 21.1 gektar.Sad defeated in the years 1783-1800 the English master gardener W. Gould in the construction of the Tauride Palace. At the site of a small river Samoroyki was arranged complex hydraulic system of two ponds connected by canals. The ponds released sturgeon. Ponds filled with water from the Ligovsky Canal. On the big pond there are two islands. Because of soil excavated during the construction of ponds, hills sprinkled species. In 1866, Tauride Gardens posetiteley.V open for the period from 1930 to 1940 was called the Garden Park of Culture and Rest named after the first five-year period, from 1958 to 1985 – the City children’s park, and in 1985 he returned to the original name of the Tauride Gardens. Old trees have survived mainly along the borders of the Tauride Gardens: oaks predominate, there are larch, linden. In the central part of the open areas and alternate postwar planting of trees (oak, linden, ash, birch, etc.) And shrubs.
