Sorry, this entry is only available in RU.В доме на пересечении Гражданской улицы и Столярного переулка начинается действие романа Федора Михайловича Достоевского «Преступление и наказание». Здание было построено в 1831 году архитектором Егором Цолликофером. Комната Раскольникова,...
20 September Space Taiga waits to 19:00 to take part in the discussion “The real and imaginary: public art as a means of dialogue with the artist’s city”. – As public art works with the environment, how it interacts with the audience, what goals puts ? – What are the possible ways to interact with the artists space physical objects, images, sound, taste, movement, even subconscious and augmented reality -. among the means of expression of contemporary artists ...
The park of contemporary sculpture on the street of Truth Sculptures – Agitator, Blind, Three Angels, good dog the street of Truth in 2005 is “Contemporary Sculpture Park”, which integrates several sculptural works, some of which are quite bizarre agitators Sculpture “agitator” ( “Organizer” or “Director” – this alternative name probably due to the location opposite the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Cinema and Television),...