Event archive

Festival GreenFest

This Sunday will be held the festival ” GreenFest ” – one of the most anticipated events of 2014 most famous group of both domestic and foreign will be performing on the same stage.. This time was chosen by a vote headliner concert cult-dance group ” Prodigy ”. Starting with the 18 hours you shake music and millions of kilowatts lumens of light, and of course, the favorite...

Tsarskoye Selo carnival

This weekend there will be many interesting events, but we invite you to celebrate the founding of the Tsarskoye Selo. With two days to 11 pm you can go skating on the ice, to visit the fair, participate in various competitions, and of course, look at the fireworks...

Russian Dog Show Championship Greyhounds

The exhibition will be held June 27 to the following address: ul. Perekopskaya 6/8 “Kirovets” stadium. Hunting with dogs to drive the beast, known since ancient times not only as a fish, but also a kind of sport. In Russia, such a hunting served as entertainment for princes and boyars. Today, the top ten fastest greyhounds animal world, capable of speeds up to 89 km / h, are in sixth place. Interest in these dogs not only did not fade, but also gaining momentum, and greyhounds are...

The ionosphere №7 Festival

All fans of underground music dedicated! This Friday will be held for the seventh ” ionosphere ‘. The club ” Dada ” on Gorokhovaya street within 12 hours of the most famous electronics between the two capitals will be played in different styles, and one will find in it something of their...

Summer knigovorot

June 26 will be held on one of the main events for book lovers in our city. From 2 to 8 pm to the sounds of popular DJs everyone can swap books to learn how to create kites and trees. For the youngest knigochteev prepared a special program on the grounds of the Russian fairy tales. The event will take place in the salt lane 2 to 8...

A memorial concert in the fortress

Today, June 22, 2014 share memorable music in the heart of the city – on the territory of the fortress – the oldest hold concert Russian public organization – “Petersburg-Concert”. On the Day of the Great Patriotic War on the area of ​​Naryshkin bastion cannon which counts the time of the Great City, will perform the Symphony Orchestra of St. Petersburg under the control of the artistic director and chief conductor of the “Petersburg-concert”,...