Event archive


From May 6 to 10 is not only the Russians, but the whole world will follow the biggest music competitions in Europe. This time the Contest will be held in Copenhagen, where Russia will be represented by sisters Tolmachev. The final of this grand show can be seen on TV May...

Garage Sale

Only one day, May 4, from 12 to 21 loft-project ” Floor ” pass so-called garage sale. Anyone can become a seller and pokupatelem.Ne only clothes, but also shoes and accessories worth no more than five hundred...

Performances of Chinese circus

From 3 to 9 May in DC Leningrad City Council will be the circus from China. Popular all over the world, thanks to its tricks and original numbers, the circus will allow viewers to plunge into the mysterious atmosphere of the east. Two-hour presentation will reveal the skill of artists and the richness of Chinese culture . In addition, the show is positioned as the strengthening of friendship and cultural exchange between Russia and...

Hipposphere 2014 and Smelt Festival

3 and 4 May at the fairgrounds will be held at the same time two events. The holiday smelt guests can take part in fishing, to try fish food, take part in various contests and sweepstakes prizes. A close at this time will work horse exhibition -. Hipposphere 2014 opened with the support of the Ministry of agriculture The exhibition will be organized presentation of horses and stud farms, as well as program performance riders riding on their...

Soviet Cultural Festival

All those who were born in the Soviet Union, or just wants to feel the welcome that idea in an art space ” Freedom ” Everyone can choose the entertainment of:. View issues ” Wick ” and commercials, to try food with a taste nostalgia, as well as all sorts of slide shows and slot machines. The entrance fee for the whole day or 350...

Festival Academia

For a whole week the Mukhina Academy graduates will create art Anyone can absolutely free to choose a favorite form. Sketching, painting in oil, 3-d modeling and carving. All this will take place in the loft project ” Floor ” from 13 to...