Compound Staro Athos St. Andrew male monastery

Compound Staro Athos St. Andrew male monastery By the beginning of XX century the monastery of St. Andrew was the largest monastery on Mount Athos. In 1860 in the monastery began construction of the Cathedral of St. Andrew. In 1861 in Russia to collect this stproitelstvo funds privenzli icon of the Mother of God “The sorrow and grief consolation”. It was also decided to set up in St. Petersburg Athos courtyard. Dlchya farmstead device, the merchant’s wife in 1875 Dzhamusova AU pozheertvovala land with stone house. The project was designed by NN Nikonov. In 1892 the church was consecrated. In 1933 the church was closed. Now the archive is located building. Built on Mount Athos St. Andrew’s Cathedral so far – the largest in Greece.
