Printing House Gorky

Printing House Gorky Printing House in St. Petersburg was founded in 1827 by the decision of Nicholas I.
reason was the need for modrenizatsii printing industry in the early 20th century.
Second, new printing complex was built in 1907-1910. The area unoccupied by the beginning of XX century, has been allocated for the construction of the printing complex in 1905.
Complex has a modernly equipped workshops and a host of social and domestic premises. The large three-storey house located hostel workers’ organizations of workers and students, dispensary, sauna, laundry room, a theater room and a consumer shop.
Second phase of the complex on the corner of Oranienbaum street. then it was not carried out. It is intended for the site has been built up in the 1930s. typography modern buildings, designed in the style of constructivism.
Leningrad Executive Committee decision of the State Printing House included in the list of monuments to be state protection as monuments of local importance.
