Monument to Alexander III

Monument to Alexander III Monument to Alexander III is very different from the usual image of the Russian Tsars on horseback.
He ponderously and quietly sitting on a horse, to match him, while the statue of Peter I the same radiates energy and excitement. The Emperor did not like so much of his image that he was not invited to the opening of the sculptor and thought to send a monument in Irkutsk. However, May 23, 1909 he was installed on Znamensky Square near the Moscow railway station today. Due to the roughness features of the monument and its simplicity, the author would like to emphasize the closeness of the emperor to the people and the role of peacemaker, as when Alexander III was not a single war. In 1937, the statue was dismantled and is intended to be melted, but it was removed to the store of the Russian Museum, and only in 1994 was returned to the familiar all-peterbuzhtsam place near the entrance to the Marble Palace.
