Lecture Beauty space and astronautics

Lecture Beauty space and astronautics Before you open vast expanses of the universe, galaxies and countless systems.
Imagine Earth. Jupiter, the sun sinking behind the fiery disc. Ringing radiation space between the planets. Taming the power of fire, bringing in the sky sparkle with people. Stars created by human hands. Robot in ten sleep overcomes billions of kilometers in order to wake up a few hours after the target and go to sleep forever.
On this and many other things will tell you at the lecture “The beauty of the cosmos and Space” on Nevsky, 81 March 2, 19 : 00 in the space Dial
Lecture on the unexplored, fascinating and frightening humanity.. Someone knows by satellite images, some of the film of Stanley Kubrick, someone just read a lot. It serves to rise beyond the exosphere
organizers warn. After the lecture, you can get sick space for life and start to buy star maps and telescopes.
