All concert piano sonatas by Prokofiev

All concert piano sonatas by Prokofiev Unique concert – marathon offers May 13 at 17:00 St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic. Shostakovich (big hall)
«All of Prokofiev’s piano sonatas.” – In a single program. Nine pieces for piano, which went through war and revolution by nine pianists!
Each of the sonatas written by Prokofiev in 1906- 1947, respectively, from different sides reveals the composer’s technique transformed over time, according to the author’s experience, which has become a lively part . the history of the country
Sonata performed:
Nick Melnikov
Alexander Maslov Dmitry Pavlov

Michael Benedictine
Elizabeth Alexander Ukrainian
Oleg Weinstein
Sergey Red’kin < br> Nicholas Mazhara
street. St. Michael’s, 2
