Concert parallel world in Annenkirhe

Concert parallel world in Annenkirhe Concert of “parallel world” in Annenkirhe
September 11 in one of the spaces anturazhnye urban areas, where blackened by fire walls effectively highlight the unique architecture, pianist Polina Fradkin speak with imperishable works of world classics.
Concerts Annenkirhe are very popular among the townspeople. And it is quite natural, because where else can listen to excellent classical music in the interiors conventionally abandoned church in which walls scorched by fire, and the floor is covered with sand.
Lutheran Church in September with an intriguing story takes charity concert “parallel world”, organized by the “flophouse “: empty interior is filled with the sound of the piano, which will take the listener on a long flight in fantasies of Bach, Mozart, Sibelius, Rachmaninoff, Liszt and Druch. For tool – a great pianist Polina Fradkin
By the way, the two-hour concert will not only be a wonderful gift to yourself, but also an opportunity to help one’s neighbor -. Part of the proceeds to charity, or rather, to support the work of the St. Petersburg’s largest shelter for the homeless on the street Borovoy, . 112b
Address: Kirochnaya street. Beginning at 8
Cost: 400 rubles.
