Kikin chambers

Kikin Chambers -. A monument of architecture in the Petrine Baroque
It is the only extant home of Admiral advisor and one of the companions of Peter I – Alexander Kikin. It was built in 1714-1720 by the architect, whose name is unknown, close to Smolny. In 1718 Kikin was executed for his help in escaping from the Russian Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and Kikin Chambers moved to the treasury.
In the years 1719-1727 it housed a collection of Peter’s Kunstkammer and personal library of Peter I. In the 1720s Kikin Chambers were reconstructed. Since 1733, there were Office, the infirmary and the Church of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment.
In 1829, the appearance of the building is changed, and removed the Baroque-style decor.
During the Leningrad blockade Kikin Chambers were destroyed, but restored them to 1952-1956 years in the alleged original form. Now high school musical works in the building.
