Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Originally a temple had to stand on Vasilevsky Island, but construction was delayed and it was decided to move to cheaper land.
But because of the death of Metropolitan building and the wooden remains, though, and came under the control of the Synod. Next followed the abbot was very netrobovatelen to comfort conditions, so he cared only about the expansion of the parish. Only after 10 years due to familiarity with the new architect Kosyakova Metropolitan is unpretentious building with lots of extensions that turned into a work of art, which we can observe and still. By 1900, the iconostasis were completely finished, the main altar with choirs and accommodations. The building was built in the old Russian style and faced with sandstone and brick. After the October Revolution it suffered the fate of most of the temples, the monks were expelled from the cells, and the congregation-arrested, the building itself is transformed into a warehouse Leningrad seaport. Only in 1991 the courtyard was again transferred to the permanent use and only in 2013 with the help of folk remedies and the team of restorers and enthusiasts all internal and external work has been completed.
